Monday, September 6, 2010

Taking your time

What I've enjoyed with taking my time to make this project work has been the ability to have inspirational sparks come to you - and incorporate them into the script as you're going. So a day or two will go by and you've been thinking about the story and characters, and then you'll see something, or think of something, and it's just a great idea that fits the story - - then I plug it in.

I know for a fact that if I'd rushed this together and taken a long time with it, that it wouldn't be anywhere where it is now, it wouldn't contain all the layers that I believe it has now. Which is great. As I've said, I'm rewriting some of the final few scenes, and a story spark struck me - it made sense, it fir the story, and it really did something for the protagonist going forward. It may be a little difficult to explain or depict in the story - but that doesn't mean that it's a great way to carry the story forward.

AND - while I've known what the closing image for this particular script is going to be for a few months, the development of the final act has inspired me to almost take a new direction with how the story works. It's been very, very illuminating. I'd hate to say that I didn't know where this was going while I was writing it - but considering where I'm going with the story now, looking back ... I simply didn't know what I was going to do.

For the entire series, I have a new archetype to follow along with, a new allegory to parallel, a new closing image to build toward - everything is new and inspired and layered with deeper meanings for me. And that's more exciting than ever.

Take your time when you're writing - especially a larger body of work. Let new ideas influence your story and its direction. It's making this process more enjoyable for me, that's for sure. Best of luck on your own endeavours.

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Hey there, I am glad you have taken the time to leave a comment. Thanks - I am looking forward to reading it.